Terms and conditions

>Terms and conditions
Terms and conditions 2024-03-01T14:26:59+01:00


Website identification


Website owner and publication manager

Myriam Monnin


4 Route de Moval 90400 Trévenans France

Téléphone : (+33) 03 84 27 21 39

E-mail : 

Website host

RCS : 343 709 424


2 Rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix

09 72 10 10 07

Intellectual property

The entire content of this website, including text, logos and certain images, is the property of HECE International and is protected by intellectual property laws. Any unauthorised reproduction, distribution or use of this content is strictly prohibited.

Personal data collection and processing

The only data collected on the user is that entered in the contact form. Please note that this data will not be stored, kept, sold or used for any purpose other than to contact the user wishing to contact us.

General conditions of use

Users may freely browse the site and interact with it. This browsing must respect the company, the content of the site and others.

Users’ rights

Users may decide to browse the site without filling in the contact form. When filling in the contact form, the user may choose not to fill in all the fields.

Limitation de responsabilité

Although we endeavour to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the content of this website. We accept no liability for any damage resulting from the use of this website.